Pharmacy PEBC Practice Exam 2024 - Free Pharmacy Exam Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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DS wishes to protect her children from West Nile infection and requests information from the pharmacist regarding insect repellents. Which of the following is correct information from the pharmacist?

DEET should be applied to the skin before sunscreen.

DEET is an effective repellant against mosquitoes, ticks and stinging insects.

Products containing oil of citronella are not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

Products containing oil of citronella have a very short duration of effect.

Option D is correct because products containing oil of citronella have a very short duration of effect. Oil of citronella only provides protection for about 20 minutes or less, making it an ineffective repellent for children. Option A is incorrect because sunscreen should always be applied before DEET to ensure both products can work effectively. Option B is incorrect because DEET is only an effective repellent against mosquitoes, not ticks or stinging insects. Lastly, option C is incorrect because oil of citronella is not recommended for children under 2 months of age, not 6 years.


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